Evaluate graduates and apprentices based on their skills and potential | NEW Early Careers Assessment

Comprehensive assessment reports

Our assessment reports provide valuable insights and actionable information, empowering both candidates and employers. Candidates receive personalised feedback highlighting strengths, areas for development, and practical tips for growth. 

Employers gain in-depth insights on candidates' performance, enabling data-driven hiring decisions and talent alignment. Our comprehensive assessment reports drive informed decision-making, meaningful conversations, and unlock the full potential of candidates and organisations.


The Sova Difference

Improve Accuracy

Nationwide used Sova to identify and recruit exceptional performers with 89% accuracy.

Faster Hiring

TUI used Sova to drastically cut their recruitment time from an average of 8-12 weeks to only 1 week.


John Lewis achieved a 50/50 gender balance and no adverse impact across ethnic groups using Sova.

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Assessor reports

Dive into detailed reports that offer comprehensive insights on candidate performance, helping assessors make informed decisions and identify the best-fit candidates for each role. 

These reports provide a deeper understanding of candidate traits, competencies, cognitive abilities, and other relevant factors, enabling assessors to evaluate candidate suitability with precision and objectivity.

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Comprehensive report options

Discover our wide range of report options designed to cater to your assessment requirements. From trait and narrative reports that provide a holistic profile of candidates' personality traits, to competency-based reports that assess candidates against specific job-related competencies, we offer a variety of reports to meet diverse assessment needs. 

Explore our selection of cognitive and gamified test reports, team styles reports, leadership reports, and more to gain comprehensive insights and make data-driven decisions throughout the assessment process.


Can I customise reports?

Sova provides off-the-shelf reports for their assessment content and beyond this, Sova will support the creation of custom reports.

How does a participant receive their report?

Depending on your requirements, reports can be emailed directly to participants or be made available as part of their participant journey.

Can you create a practitioner report which includes interview questions?

Yes, as part of our customisable reporting, outputs are tailored based on participant responses and can include interview questions. 

How long does it take to implement Sova?

This varies depending on the complexity of your solution. You can use Sova OTS tools in a matter of hours, while more bespoke solutions can take up to 2 weeks for a simple configuration of the platform and between 6-12 weeks for more complex projects.

Get started today

Discover a new level of recruitment success. Reach out to us and schedule a call to explore how Sova's innovative assessment solutions can drive better hiring outcomes for your organisation. Let's embark on a journey of talent excellence.

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