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AI hiring legislation- What you need to know! With Dr. Richard Landers & Mark Girouard

calendarJune 05, 2023
calendarAlan Bourne

In this episode I welcome two different but complimentary perspectives on the legal aspects of employment testing that are happening in an ambiguous and seemingly ever-changing environment. While the conversation is oriented towards the ever controversial and somewhat frustrating NYC algorithmic hiring law that still does not have a firm date for enforcement, it is really a much deeper and headier conversation about the use of AI models in employment decision making. More specifically, about the legal responsibilities of those who provide and use these tools.


There is no one better to hash over these important topics than my two guests- Dr. Richard Landers, a professor of IO psychology at the University of Minnesota who also specializes in computer science and legal audits of selection systems. And- Mark Girouard- a lawyer at Nilan Johnson Lewis who specializes in employment law as it relates to hiring and the use of predictive decision-making tools.


I have worked with both of my guests on various projects related to our topics today and can assure you that they are on the top of the heap when it comes to expert, practical, and credible advice on these extremely complex and ever evolving issues.


To really absorb all the wisdom on the controversial but critical topic of legal compliance in today’s crazy world, you really have to listen to this episode. So, what are you waiting for, tune in now!