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Guide: Transform the recruitment process for you and your candidates

Candidate ExperienceDigital Assessment
calendarOctober 08, 2021
calendarShahzad Ahmed
Guide: Transform the recruitment process for you and your candidates-report-image

Optimising your recruitment process

Resourcing teams have always been under pressure to design efficient, effective, engaging and equitable hiring processes. The Covid-19 pandemic increased the pressure on teams to deliver cost efficiencies and effective ways of handling high volumes of applicants, while candidates have come to expect seamless digital experiences as the norm. But this isn’t as straightforward to deliver as it sounds. For example, in pursuit of optimising the efficiency of the hiring process, blunt assessment measures are used to reduce the volume of applications at the expense of fairness; or introducing disjointed assessment stages to make the best hiring decision, only to alienate your applicants with a long-drawn-out process.

The reality is that we want to optimise the recruitment process which means using smart, configurable assessment technology, built to deliver all of these critical factors at scale. But where should you start? And what can you expect from a solution designed with this in mind?

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