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White paper: Levelling the playing field

calendarSeptember 28, 2020
calendarSova Assessment
White paper: Levelling the playing field -report-image

Using fair assessment in hiring and career progression

At Sova, we’ve long championed fairness and equality in recruitment and career progression. As occupational psychologists, one of our main goals when designing assessments is to provide a truly objective view of a candidate. It’s our role to help companies go beyond the CV and make better, unbiased and fair decisions about talent.

With Covid-19, a recession and the forecasted slow economic recovery, there is a danger that those who already receive unfair treatment in the hiring process will feel this even more acutely.

Now more than ever, it’s vital that diversity and inclusion are front and centre of an organisation’s recruitment and development strategy. In the latest paper in the Assessment Insights Series, we draw on the work and expertise of thought leaders Binna Kandola, John Amaechi OBE and Vivian Hunt DBE to help us get to the bottom of the issues of bias and discrimination within the workplace.

Register to receive ‘Levelling the playing field’ as we explore:

  • The impact of unfair decision making and bias on opportunities and careers
  • Why traditional assessment and screening tools fail to deliver on diversity
  • A roadmap for fair recruitment and development
  • Practical steps for building diversity into your assessment process

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